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Help-I.M.S. provides incident task work order management and workflow processing. Multi-user video conferencing between the emergency services at the incident location and remote subject matter experts for dealing with incident more effectively.
Mobile network technology has now truly advanced to better assist people in need. With the evolution towards LTE and 5G network coverage, mobile networks can now be used as communication portals between people who require assistance and the emergency services. The award winning NEXSYS-ONE HELP platform enables this communication.
HELP is an incident management solution supporting emergency services and volunteer organizations to better serve people in need using mobile data networks, workforce management processing and an advanced video and VoIP communication system.
Nobody should be placed into a class or receive a certain level of treatment or care based on what they can or cannot afford. Our vision is to provide emergency response services and health organizations the tools to effectively help people in need.
HELP users can be witnesses or victims of an incident or disaster. The user is provided an app that notifies a command center of an alert when and if needed based on NHS standard priority categories. The command center using intelligent workflow processing can Video and Voice communicate with the witness or victim. The recordings are automatically stored within the alert ticket to assist the dispatch units on route. These recordings or live streams are used to process tasks more effectively to assist the person in need. Recordings are used to analyze how processes can be improved to help victims in future. Depending the incident category and location, HELP will automatically recommend the dispatch units to assign based on their skill sets, location, availability, current work load, available assets and traffic conditions to the person in need.
HELP-I.M.S. will direct volunteers to assist emergency services or world health organization when needed. The I.M.S. H1 app, will send a notification to the volunteer of an incident where help is needed. App notifications are coordinated with the health organizations to ensure volunteers are directed to the appropriate location where help is needed. Clear controlled instructions of who to report to and what tasks to expect are provided to the volunteer.